Lee County, NC Appeal Form

Submit Your Appeal

Attached files must be PDF documents.
The total size of all attached files must be less than 50 MB.
Attached files should not have file names with spaces. (Example: My_Appraisal.pdf)

** Failure to enter a value for 1-A and 1-B could result in no change in value. **
For this section, enter only whole numbers and exclude decimal places. (Example: 125000 not 125,000.00)

2 - What is the basis of your opinion? (Check as appropriate)

3 - If property was puchased within the last 3 years, complete the following :
If work was done by a contractor, include a copy of the contract.

4 - If this is Residential Property, complete the following :

5 - If this is Commercial or Income Producing Property, complete the following :
     Failure to provide this information will result in an automatic no change in value.
Utilities included:
* If this is income-producing property, include the three most current years income & expense information.

Please submit documentation for lots which may have failed a septic site evaluation test.

If you are comparing your property to surrounding properties, please list the comparable properties to support the owner's opinion of value.
Attach additional sheet if needed.


Who should we contact for additional information? You will be contacted only if we require additional information.

Under penalty prescribed by law, I hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information submitted in this appeal form, including accompanying statements and other information or documents is true and complete.

NOTE : If unable to attach a file due to the size, please email the attachment to LFaulkner@LeeCountyNC.gov and be sure to include the Parcel Number and Owner Name.